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Major Reports

While available for review in the Select Archives these analyses were chosen for their definitive trend deductions at critical junctures for individual markets or global economy.
In addition to the 'trend logic' inferences drawn for any particular situation, they include general analytic process insights likely of some interest for educational purposes as well.

EQUITIES Tech: 'Macro' Analysis of DJIA Turning Stale  (June 5, 2008)
Classic fundamental optimism into highly suspicious technical basing activity.
"Moving on to purely technical aspects... DJIA... loose Double Bottom... into March was a hopeful sign." "However,... continued lack of volume and inability to push above... 13,000-100 area was a real problem,..." (that led to a failure to new lows.)

Capital Markets Observer III-3      Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Early year concerns for equity markets dissolved as they held technical support and the bubble continued; this is the counterpoint to concerns in CMO II-48 below.
'Basic Scenario' reviews the way buoyant equities holding early year support and receiving significant reinforcement from the somewhat surprising BoE rate hike means any economic or equities weakness is indefinitely deferred. This will bring continued pressure on fixed income, and US dollar support.

Capital Markets Observer II-48      Wednesday, December 6, 2006
The pressures from various quarters were degrading the economic outlook into early 2007, and there was a serious question over how this would unfold.
“Smooth Rebalancing? …or… The Crash of ’07?” explores how risk factors are mounting due to inconsistencies in market trends, and changes which may hit in early 2007.  Additional topics attendant to this view: Risk Contingencies, The Fed, US Housing, Forex, Germany, Equities, Debt.

Major Report!!    SPECIAL MARKET HIGHLIGHT   Monday, March 21, 2005
1970's Redux: Son of Stagflation
Published by Rohr affiliate ITI long before inflation and Housing/Credit Bubbles
This major report delves into significant historic background to explain the reasons behind Mr. Greenspan's low long yield "conundrum", the weaker US dollar after the Federal Reserve began tightening in 2004, and why both would eventually head back up.
Still relevant perspective...      "...we could send you back to the future."1
1 Professor Emmett Brown to Marty McFly in Back to the Future
(1985, Universal Studios; directed by Robert Zemeckis)